12 May

Job Loss Due to Covid 19 in Singapore, There Is a Solution

It was on a Saturday night when the news update, my company had worked for it because it was close to the location of COVID19. The message came through when I received a warning on my phone that the business will no longer operate from this week onwards. Basically, this means I don't have a job from that moment.

It is first that crossed my mind OK, I need to get a worker online and start looking for a new job or dealing with a recruitment agency in Singapore.

Or do something to get my new job to earn some income. I panicked, like fear and worry arranged in I know that it won't be easy to find other jobs, especially when the whole economy is down at the moment. But anyway, my survival instinct has been me in Fight or Flight mode to not be unemployed.

My family

I am a husband and father of two children, my eldest who was finishing at the Polytechnic and secondly I am in Secondary 4. I was a restaurant manager and worked in the east where the restaurant was located for almost 10 years now, 8 of which I worked my way into managerial positions. Working in the food industry & Beverage, I found the Passion in management and service that makes going to work everyday much easier. But of course, families still come first to me, their health, welfare and education driving everything I do. So, as you can imagine losing my job because Covid-19 is very devastating because I still have my children's education to support and the cost to pay. 

For a moment in doubt that I will not be able to find a job, especially during this time I think going to the recruitment agency will help. Many companies and businesses, because I'm sure it's not just mine, have weighed whether it deserves to stay open. It is only unfortunate that my restaurant works at not being able to see for this survival. Not to blame the company for deciding what the best solution is to move forward, I have to very quickly leave what I have behind and move forward myself. 

Research for online work

I researched online for new job openings, not fussy about the kind of work I wanted. It was at least my concern. However, the results were close to none and did not hear back from almost everything. I went to see a recruitment agency in Singapore that helped to connect me with some of their clients and in a very profitable way, also helped to maintain my expectations. 

They regularly keep me updated with news from the company that I have applied with their recruitment services. 

Honesty helped to keep my hopes in the bay which they kept constant to help keep my anxiety feeling comfortable. When looking for a job, it's not necessarily a fun ride, it's a good rollercoaster and bad news and emotional fluctuations. I went through almost 3 weeks before getting this new job that I got through the recruitment agency. As long as you don't give up and lose hope in finding one, whatever your driving factor is, there are always opportunities out there. Even in such an unpleasant time now. There are also plenty of resources and support for utilities to pass through periods and difficult situations, such as recruitment agencies in Singapore have for me. 

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