06 Apr

It feels good to do some tips on cleaning the office in the spring cleaning period. We are ready to clean your office, sweep, mop, clean, cupboards, tables, chairs, and clean your office carpet. Make your office look bigger, make us feel better, and make the whole building look a little lighter.

When was the last time you wanted to do this, here are some tips on cleaning the office in the spring cleaning tips on your marketing process?

Many of my business owners talk to a clean office environment. They found a number of things that worked for them during their first month or year in the cleaning business, and they have been doing the same thing ever since.

Even when the economy changes drastically, even if their product offering, service portfolio, or target audience goes in the same direction, they stick to familiar marketing, such as maintaining office cleanliness to avoid the various viruses that stick.

Other business owners are lucky because when they start, they don't need to market themselves. Directives are poured in, word of mouth sends them more business than they can handle, and life is good. Until it's not, finally, they knocked out all their friends and family, word of mouth that brought questions but didn't close the sale, and life suddenly wasn't so bright. Time for some cleaning tips for office spring cleaning.

You know you need an office cleaning spring tips Clean your marketing when:

Your target market has changed in the past year

You have added a new product or service

You change prices or change the way you bundle or deliver services

Economic change (hint-this means everyone)

There is a fundamental shift in your industry

A big new competitor enters the field, or a big player comes out of the market

It's been over a year since you really sat down and thought about how you communicate about your business.

Why office cleaning tips Clean your marketing? One reason is that we fall into comfortable habits, and over time, habits take us to where we are, not where we want to go.

Another big reason is that the world is constantly changing, and our marketing needs to stay nimble. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, our goals change, and if we don't renew our marketing, we sell the company we ran last year, instead of building our dreams for tomorrow.

So here are our top five ways to take your marketing broom up, vacuum out dust, and give your business a fresh, clean smell of success.

Tip # 1: See if your goals have changed. Maybe last year, or two years ago, your priority was to get more consulting clients, but now, your main goal is to get more paid speaking talks. Are you putting your time and energy into marketing to achieve your new main goals? If that's not where the time and energy will be, it's time to do some cleaning.

Tip # 2: See if your market has changed. If you are a local business, how has your demographic changed around your store in the last two years? If you are a neighborhood business, do you still know your neighbors well enough to meet their needs? Take the time to update your market research.

Tip # 3: how does technology impact your industry? Do you serve a market that welcomes text message coupons? Can you promote for less money by using social media instead of Direct mail? Do you have your own iPad app? Do your customers leave print newspapers to read online? Find out how your customers use technology and make sure your marketing reaches them in the way they now consume information.

Tip # 4: Has your network changed? No matter how much business you get from clubs or associations, membership changes over the life of the organization. Do you still get value from your membership or event fees? Is there a fresh face coming to the program, or is it a social hour with the same old crowd. Rethink the time and money you spent on private networks by re-evaluating your membership and make sure you know where your target audience is.

Tip # 5: how does the economy affect your buyers? Yes, we are rebounding, but there is some debate about whether consumers will ever return to their wasteful days. Likewise, the rebound hasn't touched every community alike. Some are booming, while others have a way to go. Be vigilant consumers need more touches to go from prospect to buyer, and they want more guaranteed value. Make sure your marketing message is in harmony with your consumer's mood.

It feels good to throw open windows and throw old trash. Get the same feeling of fresh sunshine with your marketing by opening your mind window and throwing out old marketing approaches and messages that no longer serve you. This is a new year and a new economic recovery. Are you tuned in and ready to go?

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